first blog ever!!!
it's a friday in spring and i'm awaiting summer.
i'm writing this in a lecture on a friday because it's on shakespeare and i'm not really into it. not that it's boring or uninteresting but i was supposed to do the dystiopia module aswell as the time module and that would have been much more interesting to me... alas, can't change it now. i'm finding that alot in life, ESPECIALLY at uni. i am a little paranoid that the people behind me can see what i've been doing on my website, or that the class knows that i'm upto something because i'm quickly typing in moments i shouldn't be and not looking up ever, but the perspectives i've heard about the play assures me i have nothing to worry about. the picture to the right is something i took last summer on my favourite walking route- some place my dad showed me. it's between my village and the other and take about 40mins. i go through a feild, over a bridge, past the old mill, under the train arch, through a conservation area and then onwards to the sea. that sprout is near the old mill waterfall, my favourite part. i used to feed my favourite fish blackberries there and take all my friends on that route with me. unfortunately i'm not there anymore but cheers to more summers. unfortionately i fell in love this summer with some european guy in that village and i took him to the concervation area, then to the beach in my village to watch the meteor shower. can't go back there again...
anyway, goodbye! india xox